Our Services

Nursing services

"BEDFORD"is india'a leading provider of long term healthcare management for patient with several chronic illness.We act as the bridege between the hospital and home ensuring standard quality care at home that enables the patient to either achieve a speedy recovery in the best suited environment or achieve highest quality of life during theie end stages

Nursing service is the part of the total health organization which aims at satisfying the nursing needs of the patients/community. In nursing services, the nurse works with the members of allied disciples such as dietetics, medical social service, pharmacy etc.

Our home care assistants are all experienced in their field, compassionate towards their clients, and passionate about their work.

our services

Nursing services

It includes the services of physicians and members of other health disciplines according to patient needs.

caretaker services

Our team is built with years of experience with all types of home care services.

Newborn and mother care

Bedford Health Care Solution offers the best baby care services. We are offering complete home care services.

critical care

We believe caregiving at home is a safe and affordable solution that supports the family,we hope you.

Diabetic care

It includes the services of physicians and members of other health disciplines according to patient needs and more health support.


Our team of Physiotherapists renders rehabilitation for patients to enhance their quality of life and bests.

Doctor visit

Doctor Services at home is provided by Bebford Health Care Solution to aid them in their daily preparation activities.

Medical Equipments

Our team of will provide medical equipment renders rehabilitation for patients to enhance their quality of life and bests.

Dental care

Our team of dental renders rehabilitation for patients to enhance their quality of life and bests.